Kids - they do so many drawings at playgroup and daycare that you end up feeling overwhelmed by the quantity of them. There are plenty of clever ways of storing them, but for me as a scrapper, I like to incorporate the best ones into my own creative work. A while back, Fergus painted this stripy tiger at playgroup, and we had it hanging on the wall for ages. Eventually it was replaced with another drawing, and it was time to file it.
I cut out the tiger and spread it onto Kraft cardstock across a double layout. I then created a really simple layout with some photos of us in our daily walk to school routine, along with journalling about the painting and about our walk.
Another way to incorporate the kids work is by creating a special annual file to put them in. Every year, I make a pocket page to put all the kids certificates, reports and other collected pieces of work from school. This example is a 12x12 layout, but the blue section is a pocket that you can fill with stuff. Here it is with nothing in:
And filled with all the pieces we have collected so far this year:
This layout then sits in an album and anything pertinent gets filed in there.