It looked like we were going to have a quiet weekend. We went to Curl Curl Beach on Saturday morning - we've set ourselves a summer task of trying all the different northern beaches! A great spot, but not as intimate as Whale Beach. It's further from the carpark to the lifeguard watched parts of the beach (but then Curl Curl is hugely long).
After a good swim, we went to Manly for lunch then cruised home to rest and relax. The boys were a bit agitated as they haven't been sleeping so well with the really hot weather, but the rest did them well. We received a late invitation to a housewarming BBQ that evening and had an interesting time. Keegan and Aengus are in the same swimming class which is how we met Aengus' mum Lea. Her husband works for a union, and the majority of people there were also people who worked for unions. This meant that Brennan was basically the sole representative of the other side of the coin; an employer! We had some really interesting discussions with people. Brennan made the point that he would like to reward good performance, but the union agreement system makes that quite difficult as the measures are black and white.
We had a quiet Sunday, did some Christmas shopping. The photo is Vincent at Curl Curl Beach.